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Youth Leadership Spokane Application

Class Schedule

Are you ready to apply to Youth Leadership Spokane?!

You will need to complete a Tuition/Scholarship Form (found here), a Photo Release (found here) and a Commitment Statement (found here), and upload them to complete this application.

In addition, please have a photo of yourself ready to upload.

Once you have these items ready, proceed with the rest of the application. Please read through the entire application because there are some short answer questions.

Thank you!

Learn more about the program here.

Contact Information

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About You
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How did you find out about Youth Leadership Spokane?
Community Assessment
Year in School Next Fall
Organizations and Activities

This section will allow us to know more about you. Please list in order of importance to you, up to three school, work, volunteer, religious, community, athletic or other activities or organizations in which you have participated during the last four years. Lack of previous participation WILL NOT exclude students from the selection process.

Short Essay Question

Please answer this question to the best of your ability. Limit your answer to no more than 150 words.

Upload Forms

Find links to the forms at the top of this application page.

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Scholarships are an important part of the YLS program. We know there are students who just can’t afford the program and who would benefit from it and bring a lot to the experience of the rest of the class. If this is your situation, please do not hesitate to ask for a scholarship. It’s a confidential process. No one accepted into the program will be denied participation for financial reasons.

Will you be requesting scholarship assistance?
By checking the box below, I affirm the information in my Youth Leadership Spokane application is true to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge my parent/guardian supports my application. I understand my application is not complete until I submit all requested forms.